Security BSides events are hosted all over the world for and by infosec community members. BSides CDMX is the Mexico City chapter.
Inspired by Security BSides events around the world, BSides CDMX is intented to create opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in a great community-driven atmosphere that encourages collaboration.
BSides CDMX aims to gather deep technical national and international specialists, students, managers, directors, and C-Levels related to the infosec community allowing networking and knowledge sharing through various talks, workshops, research demonstrations, as well as forums that allow free and open space for the exchange of good practices, experiences, and ideas among the participants.
28 Talks, Workshops, and Villages. BSides CDMX is made possible by the incredible participation of the community in sharing amazing content.
400+ assistants, 51 speakers, 50+ sponsors…550 total assistants and 80% real attendance this past edition. We want to keep growing with you all!
Building a community is our goal. BSides CDMX is attended by students, professionals, managers, and C-Levels dedicated and interested in infosec. And our community goes beyond an annual event, we are already 4,000+ on social media!.
One of BSides CDMX’s core values is maintaining a non-profit organization built for the community. We have formed strong bonds with our sponsors to achieve this and are committed to keep a free event.