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Get Involved

Security BSides events are hosted all over the world for and by infosec community members.

Security BSides CDMX is the Mexico City's chapter where local and world-wide infosec professionals, researchers, engineers, developers, students are encouraged to educate, collaborate and participate with the community by exchanging ideas, knowledge and experience.

Welcome to BSides CDMX 2024!

Have something to share? Get involved! Our Call for papers & workshops will be open soon!

    Call For Papers & Workshops
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    BSides CDMX is a free event for all the attendees, talks & workshops are offered for no charge at all; the project is organized by our non-profit community. However, to make this all possible, it is necessary the generous help from infosec industries (and any other interested industry) that are also into promoting knowledge exchange, collaboration, and benefit from all the community.

    We have proved to have a media impact on the national and international community, supported by social networks for its dissemination. In addition to this, sponsoring BSides CDMX comes with its own benefits such as:

    • Brand recognition and awareness
    • Stay in touch with the industry
    • Recruiting opportunities
    • Be part of the growing of BSides CDMX
    Want to sponsor Security BSides CDMX?

    It is only through our sponsor’s support that we are able to offer a dedicated space to the information security community in Mexico.